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Ancient Civilization Core is an obtainable material in Palworld.


It is obtained when defeating the Raid Bosses Blazamut Ryu menu Blazamut Ryu, Bellanoir menu Bellanoir and Bellanoir Libero menu Bellanoir Libero, or the main chest in the Oil Rig.

The amount looted from the Oil Rig is random, between 1 and 5.


  • Five (5) are used to craft Ability Glasses after recipe is unlocked at level 34 using Four (4) Ancient Technology Points.
  • Five (5) are used to craft Electric Egg Incubator after recipe is unlocked at level 36 using Five (5) Ancient Technology Points.
  • Thirty (30) are used to craft Ultra Shield after recipe is unlocked at level 55 using Five (5) Technology Points.
  • Thirty (30) are used to craft Advanced Shield after recipe is unlocked at level 60 using Five (5) Technology Points.
  • Five (5) are used to craft Sniper Module II after the recipe is unlocked at level 47

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