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#016 Teafant Palpedia Cremis #018

Depresso (Japanese: ンダコアラ Ndakoala) is a Dark icon Dark element Pal.

Paldeck Entry[]

Depresso menu Depresso
It has few friends because of the perpetually grouchy look on its face, but it is in fact kindhearted. Some have seen it feeding Vixy who have strayed from their pack.



Depresso is a gloomy-looking pal resembling a bipedal navy blue mammal. It always is seen with a grouchy expression with lavender eyes. It has short closed ears that that have dark purple tips. Around its neck it has a dark blueish-grey pattern. The tail of Depresso is bushy in appearance and like the neck pattern also is blueish grey. The top of Depresso's head features a large tuft of dark purple fur.


  • Depressos can only be found during the night.
  • Wild Depressos will immediately attack whenever a player lands in their line of sight, but will run away if the player is accompanied by stronger Boss/Shiny Pal party member.
  • As a Base Pal, like all nocturnal Pals, Depressos will still continue working even during the night time.


Wild Spawn[]

  • Missing Information.


  • Missing Information.


Stat Growth Min (Lv60) Max (Lv60)
HP 70 2700 3277
Attack 70 388 475
Defense 70 338 425
Minimum and Maximum stats are calculated without Passive Skills in mind.

Elemental Effectiveness[]

Neutral icon Fire icon Water icon Grass icon Electric icon Ice icon Ground icon Dark icon Dragon icon
0.5 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1.5 ×
This table indicates how much damage this Pal takes from each Element.


Partner Skill:

  • Caffeine Inoculation - When activated, Depresso drinks a massive amount of energy drinks, causing its movement speed to increase.

Work Suitability:

Possible Drops:

Active Skills[]

This Pal automatically learns the following skills when they reach the requisite level:
Lv 1 Dark icon mini Poison Blast CT: 2s Power: 30
Hurls poison sludge at an enemy.
Lv 7 Ground icon mini Sand Blast CT: 4s Power: 40
Hurls sticky mud at an enemy.
Lv 15 Dark icon mini Dark Ball CT: 4s Power: 40
Unleashes a sphere of darkness that slowly tracks down the enemy.
Lv 22 Ice icon mini Ice Missile CT: 3s Power: 30
Creates ice lances in the air that fly towards enemies.
Lv 30 Dark icon mini Shadow Burst CT: 10s Power: 55
Quickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.
Lv 40 Dark icon mini Nightmare Ball CT: 30s Power: 100
Creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.
Lv 50 Dark icon mini Dark Laser CT: 55s Power: 150
Charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.


Party Night Depresso

Party Night Depresso

Update History[]


  • This Pal was named by the community during a Name This Pal event.
  • Its name and ability are a reference to the meme "more espresso less depresso".
  • Its Japanese name may come from んだコラ ndakora (an interjection usually used by an angry person) and Koala.
  • Depresso's Japanese name could imply that Depresso is based on a Koala.
  • Depresso was featured in Paldeck No.033 on PocketPair X and youtube channel.

