Palworld Wiki

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Palworld Wiki
Palworld Wiki

Gear is the essential components to progress in Palworld and includes a variety of Armor, Weapons, and Utility items.

All main gear has to be crafted via special workbenches, with better equipment requiring more advanced workbenches and materials to make them. One can also find and utilize schematics which can give access to better-tiered equipment for a particular piece of armor or weapon. As of v0.1.4.1, most craftable ranged weapons and armor have 4 schematic tiers, with legendary being the highest level.


Main article: Armor

Armor provides defense against foes and the weather and comes in 3 basic forms: body, head, and shields.


Main article: Weapons

Weapons are the basic tools used to defend and attack in the game. They come in a variety of melee and ranged versions, as well as a few special Pal-specific types.


Main article: Utility

Utility items are gear and other equipment used to help you on your journey through Palworld.

Pal Gear[]

See also: Category:Pal Gear

Pal Gear are unique items pertaining to each particular type of pal. These can come in the form of saddles for Rideable Pals, gliders, or a variety of weapons based on the particular pal the gear is for. For example, Mossanda can be equipped with their grenade launcher while Jolthog's gloves allows the Jolthog to throw electric grenades. All such gear must be crafted at a Pal Gear Workbench.
