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Jetragon (Japanese: ジェッドラゴン Jedragon) is a Dragon icon Dragon element Pal.

Paldeck Entry[]

Jetragon menu Jetragon
Looks over the island of Palpagos from the ends of the sky. When the calamity awakens again, splitting the earth and setting the heavens on fire, he will destroy it with a glare of complete obliteration.



Jetragon is a flying jet-like draconic pal. It is a dull blue and has an off-white stomach and lower jaw. The top of its head features what resembles a black helmet with protruding horns that have bright red-orange stripes. It has bulky darker blue hands that sport two claws, the wrists of Jetragon have an orange stripe. The thighs of Jetragon feature hollowed out parts that resemble jet engines. The feet on Jetragon look similar to its hands but lack stripes. Jetragon's tail is long and greatly resembles the tail of an airplane, its tail is a darker blue and has off-white stripes present. Its back features what resembles a black seat and has four orange spikes. For each of these spikes, it features large bright magenta wings present.


It tend to be aggressive towards the player upon sight, attacking unprovoked.


Wild Spawn[]

Missing Information.


Jetragon menu Jetragon + Jetragon menu Jetragon



Elemental Effectiveness[]

Neutral icon Fire icon Water icon Grass icon Electric icon Ice icon Ground icon Dark icon Dragon icon
1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1.5 × 1 × 0.5 × 1 ×
This table indicates how much damage this Pal takes from each Element.


As a Legendary Pal, it comes with the Legend passive skill.

Partner Skill:

  • Aerial missile - You can ride on its back to fly. While riding, you can continuously fire with a rocket launcher. (Requires Jetragon's Missile Launcher→ Unlocks at Lv. 50)

Work Suitability:

Possible Drops:

Active Skills[]

This Pal automatically learns the following skills when they reach the requisite level:
Lv 1 Fire icon mini Spirit Fire CT: 7s Power: 45
Shoots fireballs towards an enemy. The fireballs explode after a short distance, generating smaller fireballs that spread forward.
Lv 7 Dragon icon mini Dragon Burst CT: 10s Power: 55
Quickly discharges draconic energy, damaging those around it.
Lv 15 Fire icon mini Flare Storm CT: 18s Power: 80
Generates two flaming tornadoes on either side before launching them at an enemy.
Lv 22 Dragon icon mini Draconic Breath CT: 15s Power: 70
Exhales breath imbued with draconic energy, dealing continuous damage to those in front of it.
Lv 30 Dragon icon mini Beam Comet CT: 50s Power: 140
Jetragon's exclusive skill. Flies at enemies on illuminated wings while firing innumerable beams. The beams explode on impact.
Lv 40 Fire icon mini Fire Ball CT: 55s Power: 150
Creates a giant ball of flame and hurls it at an enemy. The ball explodes over a wide area upon impact.
Lv 50 Dragon icon mini Dragon Meteor CT: 55s Power: 150
Calls down numerous small meteorites and launches them at an enemy.

Update History[]


  • Jetragon's name may come from the words jet and dragon.
  • Jetragon was featured in Paldeck No.050 on PocketPair X and youtube channel.

