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Palworld Wiki
Palworld Wiki
Help Guide 40

The ingame Survival Guide picture of a Lucky Gumoss

Lucky Pals are rare pals that can be found throughout the world.

They emit a shining or sparkling sound and are surrounded by glowing, star-like particles but they will no longer emit the sounds and particles after they're captured.

The chance of a Pal being Lucky is currently unknown.

Key Differences[]

Lucky Pals are slightly different from regular Pals:

  • The Lucky Pals icon Lucky icon is displayed next to the Lucky Pal's name in most interfaces.
  • Lucky Pals will always come with the "Lucky" passive trait, which gives +15% Work Speed and +15% Attack.
  • They are larger than regular Pals, akin toAlpha Pals icon Alpha.
  • Catching or killing a Lucky Pal awards Ancient Civilization Parts icon Ancient Civilization Parts.
  • They always have one random non-exclusive Active Skill.
  • They have a higher level than their non-lucky variants in the area, making them considerably stronger.
  • The Lucky Pals icon Lucky icon currently exclusive specifically to wild Pals with the Lucky passive.
  • A Pal that inherits the Lucky passive through Breeding will not be larger, and will not have the Lucky Pals icon Lucky icon.
  • A Pal that inherits the Lucky passive and is also an Alpha will look the same as a wild Lucky Pal, being both Lucky and Larger. However, they will have an Alpha Pals icon Alpha icon by it's name instead of the Lucky Pals icon Lucky icon.

Pals unable to spawn Lucky[]

This is a list of all the pals that can never be found as Lucky in the wild due to being a world-boss only spawn or can only be obtained through breeding.

No. Pal Element(s)
Elphidran Aqua menu
Elphidran Aqua Dragon icon Dragon Water icon Water
Relaxaurus Lux menu
Relaxaurus Lux Dragon icon Dragon Electric icon Electric
Broncherry Aqua menu
Broncherry Aqua Grass icon Grass Water icon Water
Anubis menu
Anubis Ground icon Ground
Jormuntide menu
Jormuntide Dragon icon Dragon Water icon Water
Lyleen Noct menu
Lyleen Noct Dark icon Dark
Paladius menu
Paladius Neutral icon Neutral
Necromus menu
Necromus Dark icon Dark
Frostallion menu
Frostallion Ice icon Ice
Frostallion Noct menu
Frostallion Noct Dark icon Dark
Jetragon menu
Jetragon Dragon icon Dragon
Bellanoir menu
Bellanoir Dark icon Dark
Bellanoir Libero menu
Bellanoir Libero Dark icon Dark

Update History[]


  • Lucky Pals are internally programmed as Alpha Pals. This is the reason why their glow disappear when caught and why Alpha Pals cannot be found as Lucky.

