Palworld Wiki

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Palworld Wiki
Palworld Wiki

Pal Merchants are friendly NPCs found in villages and Small Settlement areas throughout the world of Palworld. They offer a variety Pals in exchange of Gold Coins for players starting out in the game.


  • Pal Merchants are easily recognizable by their light blue uniforms and friendly demeanor.
  • They typically stand behind stalls or counters showcasing their wares.


  • Pal Trading: The core function of Pal Merchants is facilitating trades involving Pals.
    • Buying: Spot a rare or coveted Pal you crave? Pal Merchants might have them in stock, ready to add to your team for a price. This allows you to expand your collection and find specific Pals you desire.
    • Selling: You can offer up unwanted or duplicate Pals to Pal Merchants in exchange for gold coins. This lets you declutter your collection and earn some cash.
  • Unique Availability: Each Pal Merchant offers different Pals, depending on their location and potential specializations. Exploring diverse settlements can unlock access to a wider variety of creatures you can acquire.


Pal Merchants can be found in most villages and Small Settlement areas throughout the world.


  • Pal Merchants offer different Pals depending on their level so it's worth checking out different merchants to find the best deals.
  • Don't forget that you can still capture Pal Merchants themselves. Place them in your base, and they'll transform into permanent vendors, always accessible for future Pal trading.