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Palworld Wiki
#088 Reptyro Palpedia Kingpaca #089

Reptyro Cryst (Japanese: フロスカノン Froscanon) is the Ice icon Ice element variation of Reptyro.

Paldeck Entry[]

Reptyro Cryst menu Reptyro Cryst
Ice cold blood runs throughout its body. If heated rapidly, its blood evaporates, causing an immense vapor explosion.



Reptyro Cryst appears as a large tortoise, with a black body and shell. Blue flames and blue, stone-like plating cover its joints and shell. It also has 4 large horns lining it face.


These Pals can be aggressive.






Elemental Effectiveness[]

Neutral icon Fire icon Water icon Grass icon Electric icon Ice icon Ground icon Dark icon Dragon icon
1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 ×
This table indicates how much damage this Pal takes from each Element.


Partner Skill:

  • Ice-Loving Beast - Can be ridden. Improves efficiency of mining ores while mounted. (Requires Ice Reptyro Saddle→ Unlocks at Lv. 37)

Work Suitability:

Possible Drops:

Active Skills[]

This Pal automatically learns the following skills when they reach the requisite level:
Lv 1 Ice icon mini Ice Missile CT: 3s Power: 30
Creates ice lances in the air that fly towards enemies.
Lv 7 Ground icon mini Stone Blast CT: 10s Power: 55
Fires a barrage of stones forward.
Lv 15 Ice icon mini Iceberg CT: 15s Power: 70
Summons a sharp ice lance under an enemy.
Lv 22 Ice icon mini Cryst Breath CT: 22s Power: 90
Enshrouds an enemy in a frigid blast of air, dealing continuous damage.
Lv 30 Ice icon mini Frost Burst CT: 45s Power: 100
Ice Reptyro's exclusive skill. Raises its front legs and slams them into the ground causing frozen blasts under its enemies. It simultaneously pounds them with snow balls from above.
Lv 40 Ice icon mini Blizzard Spike CT: 45s Power: 130
Creates a giant lump of ice and hurls it at an enemy. It deals damage to those in the surrounding area upon impact.
Lv 50 Ground icon mini Rock Lance CT: 55s Power: 150
Generates a sharp rock spear under an enemy.

Update History[]


  • Reptyro Cryst was originally one of two pals not to have the Cryst suffix as an Ice icon Ice Elemental Subspecies Pal, the other being Kingpaca Cryst.
  • No other Pal has the same combination of elements as Reptyro Cryst.


