Stone is a basic resource or material that you can find throughout the world. It is used to craft many early-game items, such as the stone pickaxe and workbench. You can gather stone by hitting rocks with your bare hands or using a pickaxe.
- Stone is abundantly scattered throughout the Palworld map. Look for rocky areas, cliffs, and mountains - these are prime spots to gather some stone.
- Stone Pit: Build this structure at your base and assign Pals with the "Mining" trait to automate stone collection, freeing you for other tasks.
- Crafting: Stone forms the backbone of crafting numerous early-game items that ensure your survival and advancement.
- Buildings: Construct various structures for your base, like houses, storage facilities, and workshops.
- Decorations: Add some personality to your base with stone-based decorations.
- Trading: Sell excess stone to merchants for Gold Coins.
It's required to craft:
- Alarm Bell
- Antique Bath Set
- Antique Desk Set
- Antique Mirror Set
- Antique Wall Cabinet
- Bathroom Set
- Berry Plantation
- Breeding Farm
- Brick Fireplace
- Cement
- Cooler
- Cooler Box
- Crusher
- Defensive Wall
- Digtoise's Headband
- Egg Incubator
- Fireplace
- Fireplace Set
- Flower Bed
- Giga Sphere
- Hanging Trap
- High Quality Hot Spring
- Hot Spring
- Improved Furnace
- Lettuce Plantation
- Lifmunk's Submachine Gun
- Logging Site
- Mega Sphere
- Metal Structure Set
- Mill
- Monitoring Stand
- Mounted Crossbow
- Mounted Torch
- Pal Sphere
- Palbox
- Pengullet's Rocket Launcher
- Pickaxe and Helmet
- Primitive Furnace
- Ranch
- Repair Bench
- Repair Kit
- Rushoar Saddle
- Sandbag
- Silo
- Statue of Power
- Stone Gate
- Stone Pit
- Stone Structure Set
- Stump and Axe
- Tanzee's Assault Rifle
- Tomato Plantation
- Viewing Cage
- Wall Torch
- Water Fountain
- Wheat Plantation
- Witch Cauldron
- Wooden Barrel
- Wooden Barrel Shelf
- Wooden Box
- Wooden Chest
- Wooden Tavern Cabinet Furniture Set
- Wooden Tavern Furniture Set
- Wooden Wall Shelf
- Arrow
- Bat
- Crossbow
- Fire Arrow
- Fire Arrow Crossbow
- Fire Bow
- Frag Grenade
- Hand-held Torch
- Ice Grenade
- Incendiary Grenade
- Legendary Crossbow
- Legendary Old Bow
- Meat Cleaver
- Metal Axe
- Metal Pickaxe
- Metal Spear
- Old Bow
- Poison Arrow
- Poison Arrow Crossbow
- Poison Bow
- Refined Metal Axe
- Refined Metal Pickaxe
- Refined Metal Spear
- Shock Grenade
- Single-shot Sphere Launcher
- Stone Axe
- Stone Pickaxe
- Stone Spear
- Sword
- Three Shot Bow
Currency |
Raw Materials |
Exclusive Pal Materials |
Refined Materials | |
Seeds | |
Pal Soul |
Lotus | |
Sell-Only Materials | |
Misc. |